Category: Travel

  • The failure of BA’s T5 promise

    Watching the unfolding PR disaster for British Airways over the catastrophe surrounding the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow airport during the past 48 hours, one word springs to mind. Expectations. For the past day and a half, the newspapers and…

  • Ten Chinese superlatives

    In The Economist this week, there’s a fascinating feature about China and the country’s development of its infrastructure – roads, railways, airports, etc. As with much of the writing in The Economist, it’s a well-written and compelling piece that draws…

  • Tips on microphones and related podcast questions

    As a podcaster, I often do interviews and other audio recordings when on the road. Clients’ offices, in hotels, airports, at conferences, you name the place, opportunities often arise for recording a conversation that may end up as a podcast.…

  • BA blogs OpenSkies

    British Airways announced the forthcoming launch of a new airline yesterday, and launched a blog to go along with it. British Airways is planning to launch its new US-EU subsidiary airline "OpenSkies" with daily flights from New York to Brussels…

  • Dopplr out of private beta

    Dopplr is a travel information service I’ve been trying out for the past few months in their private beta, courtesy of an invitation from Dan York. I like it a lot as it enables me to do this: Dopplr is…