Category: Twitter

  • The Twitter channel for government announcements

    This morning, the British government announced the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury. I’ve linked to the announcement, above. It will bring you the tweet you see in the screenshot. Yes, a tweet is the government announcement. According to…

  • Tweets in the sky at the Ryder Cup

    Golf fans had a gripping experience with the Ryder Cup competition in Chicago this past weekend, with a nail-biting finale that saw the Europeans pip the Americans to the post at the last minute to win the tournament. SiliconRepublic reports…

  • Should you trust Twitter?

    So the kerfuffle over Twitter’s suspension of journalist Guy Adams’ account has ended, with the company reinstating it and issuing an apology of sorts. Adams, the Los Angeles-based correspondent for The Independent newspaper, had been posting a series of tweets…

  • Twitter: Where off the record is on the record

    There can be few people who wouldn’t agree that Twitter use by people is very much part of the mainstream these days. Even if you don’t use Twitter yourself – meaning, you don’t have a Twitter handle nor do you…

  • Essential digital diplomacy

    One of the most prominent and seasoned British government tweeters, Foreign Secretary William Hague, makes a clear statement of the significant role of digital communication channels in the exercise of foreign policy, calling them “an essential tool.” 80 of our…