Category: Twitter

  • Seven years on Twitter

    Today marks the seventh year I’ve been on Twitter. And this post marks that milestone to the minute as I signed up and posted my first tweet at 12.48pm UK time on December 7, 2006. signing up for twitter :)…

  • Know where the legal line lies in what you can and cannot say online

    If you need further evidence that social media is now very much part of the fabric of contemporary society, it comes in the form of an initiative by the Attorney General’s Office designed “to help prevent social media users from…

  • Beware lack of Plan B in a Twitter hashtag chat #AskJPM

    Using Twitter as a channel to engage in public conversation is a tactic that’s been employed by a number of large organizations in high-profile examples over the past few weeks. Focused around a hashtag – a word or single-word phrase…

  • Curate and share stories in custom timelines on Twitter

    Hot on the heels of its stock market debut last week, Twitter launched a new feature yesterday that lets you create timelines of tweets and share that curated content across the social web. Called custom timelines, the new feature is…

  • Twitter on the launchpad #TWTR

    Today, Twitter is on the cusp of becoming a publicly-listed company with an initial equity valuation of $18 billion, according to some analysis. At 9.30am US Eastern time, 2.30pm GMT, the sound of the opening bell on the New York…