Category: Virtual Communities

  • Watching the Watchmen

    I’m watching with great interest some of the social media communication Dan Light is involved with as part of the marketing for Watchmen, a movie about American superheroes based on a DC Comics series, due out in the UK on…

  • Workplace collaboration on the 3D web

    A news item Shel and I discussed in FIR #390 yesterday was a report in the Wall Street Journal’s Technology Blog about a partnership Linden Lab, the developer of Second Life, is announcing this week with Rivers Run Red, a…

  • Second Life support for Windows Vista

    Does Second Life now officially support Windows Vista? According to the Second Life wiki, the answer is no. The wiki page in question, last updated on October 2, still says Vista is not supported: […] Officially at this time (2007-08-27),…

  • The PR battleground for social networks

    With social networks like Facebook and MySpace in the news a great deal, I find it interesting to get a sense of the depth of behind-the-scenes business planning going on and the role of PR in that planning. According to…

  • Virtual credit cards arrive in Second Life

    Yesterday I signed up for a credit card that I could use in Second Life. Today the approval came, so watch out virtual shops! The credit card comes from First Meta, a financial services firm based in Singapore, that has…