Tag: Blackberry

  • The thrill and heartache of BlackBerry: employee perspectives

    Whether Canadian mobile technology company BlackBerry has a viable future or not is still a big unknown. The company fell from grace during this year as sales of its smartphones plummeted in the face of competition from Apple and Android…

  • The changes that did for BlackBerry

    Summarizing the tale of the rise and fall of mobile device and services maker BlackBerry as “changing too little and changing far too late” is probably as good as any way of succinctly capturing the sense of the huge fall…

  • RIP Blackberry

    A great analysis in The New York Times magazine of RIM and brand destruction. This share price chart says it all. Story: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/07/how-the-blackberry-died.html Google+: View post on Google+ Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

  • My Blackberry is (still) not working

    I first posted this video satire about the Blackberry (and Apple) smartphone by comedians Harry Enfield and Ronnie Corbett last December. In light of the continuing serious downtime issues with RIM’s Blackberry network, affecting users worldwide, it seems exceptionally apt…

  • It’s all about the apps, Part 3

    I wrote last month that iPhone is all about the apps. It’s not really about the device itself, cool though it is – it’s much more about what you can do with it. I discovered a new one yesterday –…