Tag: Dan York
Perspectives on Industry Trends and Implications for Communicators
In the October monthly episode 432 of our For Immediate Release podcast, Shel and I delve into six timely and thought-provoking topics relevant to communication professionals. The topics we discussed span the evolving roles of social media platforms in crisis…
FIR Interview: Dan York and Neville Hobson in London, March 7, 2014
FIR correspondent Dan York spent the past week in London at IETF 89, the conference of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), in his capacity as senior content strategist at the Internet Society. The IETF is a large open international…
Introducing "FIR On Technology With Dan York"
The FIR Podcast Network is pleased to announce a new podcast on technology that will begin on December 31, 2013. Presenter Dan York explains… How can communicators best use new tools such as, say, Google+ Hangouts On Air to tell…