Tag: #FutureComms14

  • #FutureComms14 has what you’re looking for

    Just one day to go until #FutureComms14 takes place in London, on Wednesday June 18. If you’re looking for answers to questions like: Where is PR, communications and social media heading? What does your brand need to do to adapt?…

  • A hangout on the future of communication

    In just three weeks’ time, on June 18, FutureComms14 takes place in London. This one-day conference, organized by MyNewsDesk UK, will firmly ask a big question: “What’s the future of communications?” The line up of speakers will offer some compelling…

  • If you attend one comms event this summer, make it #FutureComms14

    A really good conference for communicators takes place in London next month, and plans are well advanced for a day of valuable professional development, strongly focused on the question “What’s the future of communications?”and how to address it: The disciplines…