Tag: Gartner
10 ideas of what a smart future will look like
This is the time of year when predictions about what we can expect to see in 2016 for a raft of technologies and behaviours, and what they can do in and for business, come thick and fast. There are just…
The hype cycle and tipping-point technologies
In studying the latest hype cycle for emerging technologies chart, published last week by IT industry analysts Gartner, there’s much to absorb as you review what Gartner sees as the common patterns of overenthusiasm, disillusionment and eventual realism that accompanies…
Better understanding Gartner’s hype cycles
Over the years, IT industry analysts Gartner have published annual ‘hype cycle‘ reports that assess where specific technologies are going in the coming years. What’s hot and what’s not, in other words. Take the latest one on emerging technologies, for…
An alternate hype cycle
For the past few years, I’ve posted about Gartner’s hype cycles when the new series is published by the research firm, usually in mid July or thereabouts. The ones that typically interest me are emerging technologies and social software. What…