Tag: languages
It’s internet not Internet says the AP
How do you spell the word ‘Internet’ when you write it? With a capital ‘I’ as I’ve written just now? Or all in lowercase form, ie, ‘internet’? It’s a question the Associated Press (AP) is addressing and, partly reflecting usage…
Is there such a thing as a British accent?
The British accent is the most attractive in the world according to a survey of 11,000 people globally, says a report in yesterday’s print edition of the Telegraph newspaper (and also in the online edition). The Telegraph’s concise report notes…
FIR Live: Language Translation for Communicators
Language translation has bedevilled communications and PR practitioners forever, but the rise of digital media has complicated the situation in a number of ways. The requirements for producing content right now have led to a need for almost instantaneous translation…
FIR Live: The challenges of communicating in multiple languages online
What: A 60-minute panel discussion When: Thursday August 14, 2014 starting at 11:00 EDT | 16:00 BST | 17:00 CET Where: Google+ Hangout On Air via the FIR Events page The web demands speed in publishing content, but if your…