Tag: liveblog

  • Richard Hare, BAT, on a social media experiment

    14:12:04 PM: It’s about tools not solutions, says Richard. #arksocialsoftware 14:13:52 PM: BAT owns 300 brands. I didn’t know that. #arksocialsoftware 14:16:40 PM: Early evolution from Lotus Notes to browser based collaboration tools. #arksocialsoftware 14:24:20 PM: Fascinating story of experiences…

  • Ben Gardner, Pfizer, on Project Collaborate

    12:35:33 PM: Ben Gardner at Pfizer: ‘collaboration’ in the key word. #arksocialsoftware 12:36:36 PM: Ben’s telling us about ‘meet Jessica.’ #arksocialsoftware 12:38:03 PM: "RSS is the glue that brings a lot of social software together" says Pfizer’s Ben Gardner. #arksocialsoftware…

  • Denise Maskew, United Utilities, on engaging knowledge sharing

    11:45:55 PM: Intro to challenges co addressing that social software could help. Aging workforce first on @doc1online ‘s list. #arksocialsoftware 11:47:53 PM: Interesting to see how @doc1online ‘s co uses podcasts for internal communication. #arksocialsoftware 11:48:44 PM: Podcasts suits the…

  • Building audience and community

    11:04:00 AM: Presentation by Chi-Chi Ekweozor of RealFresh.tv. #wordcampuk 11:13:53 AM: Discussion about ‘comment is free.’ 11:14:40 AM: Comments build and feed into community, says someone from the floor. 11:15:25 AM: The only problem with such a large room is…