Tag: #NoTW

  • I bought a copy of the first edition of the Sun on Sunday

    I bought a copy of the first edition of the Sun on Sunday to see what the fuss is all about. A multiple first – it’s also the first time I’ve ever bought The Sun. It looks and feels like…

  • How to hack a phone like News of The World journalists did

    Via Reuters: World renowned computer hacker, Kevin Mitnick, shows you step-by-step how the News of the World journalists hacked into private voicemails. Shockingly easy to do with some open source software as Mitnick explains. If you access your mobile phone…

  • Seeing PR sense behind latest News International events

    The announcement this morning that News International CEO Rebekah Brooks had resigned provoked near-universal applause on Twitter, from what I could see in my content stream. It was also reported in mainstream media around the world, illustrating quite clearly how…

  • Making some drama from the NOTW crisis

    Last week, the focus was on the News of The World and phone hacking, culminating in the newspaper’s final edition on Sunday July 10. This week, attention has shifted dramatically as events have moved up level by level to embrace…

  • A tipping point sets a milestone for mainstream media evolution

    I’ve been reading through the News of The World today. It’s the first time I’ve ever bought this newspaper – and the last time, too, as this was its last edition. The closure that concludes 168 years of newspaper publishing…