Tag: #smwb2b
FIR Speakers and Speeches: Andrew Grill on "Likes" to Social Influence at #SMWB2B
Listen Now: The rise of socially influential online content and individuals is transforming brand marketing. As trust declines in paid sources like celebrities and bloggers, it’s now mandatory to activate ‘everyday heroes’ who influence their networks about their passions. In…
FIR Speakers and Speeches: Antony Mayfield on Advanced Persistent Opportunities at #SMWB2B
Listen Now: While social business design is much discussed, we struggle when it comes to bringing about wholesale change in an organization. Perhaps it is because we are trying to describe these new opportunities in business language that is outmoded…
FIR Speakers and Speeches: Dave Coplin, Microsoft, on Future Forward at #SMWB2B
Listen Now: The web is quietly, but quickly, undergoing a social revolution, blending the analogue and digital worlds to become even more powerful in the way we all live, work and play. That’s a core premise that Dave Coplin, Director…