Month: May 2006
Three stories from the blogosphere
Being on the road and mostly disconnected from blogs and RSS feeds for the better part of last week provides a great opportunity for an hour’s quiet reviewing today of what’s been happening recently in the PR/tech part of the…
FIR goes live on June 1
Listeners to For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report will be able to participate actively in the show as we record episode #142 on Thursday, June 1. Since we record the show over Skype anyway, it was not a…
Who is the conscience for corporate ethics?
A new report from the IABC Research Foundation shows that less than half of companies encourage discussion of moral dilemmas and criticism of censurable conduct at the workplace. “The Business of Truth: A Guide to Ethical Communication” says most organizations…
No more lectures, just podcasts
The shape of things to come – a UK university lecturer says he will no longer deliver lectures to students and instead will offer them as podcasts: […] Dr Bill Ashraf, a senior lecturer in microbiology at Bradford University, says…