Month: May 2006

  • Perspectives on blog spam

    What do Nicholas Cage, David Carradine, Susan Hayward, Richard Burton and a whole host of Hollywood stars past and present have in common? Their names have been hijacked by blog spammers, according to Akismet which stops spam appearing on my…

  • Blogging primer for journalists

    Here’s a good example of a mainstream medium that ‘gets it’ concerning its journalists blogging. The Daily Telegraph’s news editor Shane Richmond has posted the Telegraph blogging style guide: […] that we send to our writers when they first start blogging.…

  • Surely conventional wisdom can’t be right

    Jeff Jarvis says: […] The problems with books are many: They are frozen in time without the means of being updated and corrected. They have no link to related knowledge, debates, and sources. They create, at best, a one-way relationship…

  • SAP and the science of market disruption

    German enterprise software vendor SAP is open to an acquisition by US technology groups, according to a Financial Times report yesterday: […] Hasso Plattner, supervisory board chief at the German group, said in an interview with FT Deutschland, the FT’s…

  • Building the business case for podcasting

    Eric Schwartzman has posted an excellent commentary of his address at the Syndicate conference in New York on how to build the business case for podcasting. It’s a topic I’m increasingly being asked about, too, in conversations and discussions with organizations in…