Month: August 2006
Update to FeedDemon RSS reader
NewsGator released an update late yesterday to the FeedDemon RSS reader for Windows. This new build includes a number of security fixes and performance improvements. Full details in the release notes. Definitely a worthwhile upgrade. Free for existing registered users.
An iPod, an aircraft toilet and what happened next
What a story! A World of Warcraft gamer en route to meet a fellow gamer in Canada sparked a major security alert when he, er, lost his iPod on board his flight. Here’s how the story begins: It all started…
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #167: August 28, 2006
Content summary: gives up on Subway pitch; contribute to BusinessWeek’s ‘Best of the Web’ series; technology lets advertising get personal; the growth of the mobile internet; GM’s Michael Wiley joins Edelman; Paramount Pictures and the snide blogger: how should…
You can’t have it your way
Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1 was announced a couple of days ago. I’ve been trying out the various betas over the past few months, so I downloaded RC1. I think the betas have been pretty good from both a…
SNCR Awards deadline approaching
If you’re considering submitting an entry for the SNCR Awards – the contest organized by the non-profit think tank Society for New Communications Research – the deadline is 8 September, so you still have time. A worthwhile contest: […] The…