Month: December 2007

  • Does the government really want to hear what you think about climate change?

    An interesting discovery: Phil Woolas, the Minister for Climate Change – I never knew we had someone with this portfolio – writes a blog called Bali Diary. He started it in mid November. Woolas works at the Department for Environment,…

  • An abrupt ending for Blognation

    This is what you now see if you go to any of the websites of Blognation, the blog network that’s been embroiled in scandal and controversy for the past few weeks. It’s too bad. If there’s one thing that disgraced…

  • Cuts from FIR #302

    Overflow from today’s FIR #302: 1-Minute News Bloggers cause Wal*Mart to remove a product Recession lessons for PR practitioners Download FIR Cuts MP3s – WalMart (3:31) | Recession (4:41). If you want to automatically receive FIR Cuts as they’re published,…

  • The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #302: December 17, 2007

    Content summary: Discussion: the social media experiment; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; digital footprint study from Pew; you own dot-org but what about dot-com?; social networks deliver product recommendations; BBC readies new user-customizable website; Lee Hopkins reports on Second…

  • Maybe size doesn’t matter after all

    On the face of it, it would be hard to imagine a car with an overall length of just 106 inches (that’s less than nine feet), and with an engine capacity of just one litre (a little over 61 cubic…