Month: December 2007

  • The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #301: December 13, 2007

    Content summary: Eric Schwartzman meets the media: Reuters, AP, Bloomberg, UPI; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; Twitter is one man’s conversation ecosystem and another’s massive waste of time; Annenberg study reveals that communicators are out of sync; retailers to…

  • Shades of grey

    Chip Griffin has a terrific post on Media Bullseye urging us to throw out the social media rulebook: Far too many of my colleagues who share a passion for the social media space treat this new media world more as…

  • Speeding your eBay purchase to you

    It is estimated Britons will spend more than £66 million online this Christmas buying a third of all their presents, according to news reports. Apparently, research carried out by eBay also shows that almost half of shoppers who have bought…

  • Dopplr out of private beta

    Dopplr is a travel information service I’ve been trying out for the past few months in their private beta, courtesy of an invitation from Dan York. I like it a lot as it enables me to do this: Dopplr is…

  • Paris and Le Web 3 is the place to be right now

    If you’re in tech, Silicon Valley may be the place you pay attention to for 363 or so days of the year, but for the other two, Paris is the place to be right now. Today Le Web 3 ’07…