Month: April 2009

  • Nice concept, Phorm, pity about the execution

    An organization often in the news here in the UK is Phorm, the US-registered company behind some controversial experiments to measure people’s behaviours when they’re online through behavioural targeting. The latest move by Phorm in an escalating battle to win…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #443: April 27, 2009

    Content summary: FIR Live #13 posted; FIR Listener Survey closes May 1; announcing the winner of the FIR Listener Contest to win free entry to Next09 Hamburg: Norbert Mayer-Wittmann; Michael Netzley reports from Singapore on Rebecca MacKinnon and her chat…

  • Audioboo beyond the iPhone

    One of the hottest apps for the iPhone is Audioboo, a free services that lets you record up to five minutes of audio on your iPhone and then publish the recording to the web. It’s audio blogging made easy. I’ve…

  • Win a free ticket to Somesso London 09

    We’re thrilled to announce a new FIR Listener Contest where one listener to the premier PR podcast can win a free ticket to go to Somesso London 09 in London on Friday May 15, 2009. Rather than act as a…

  • FIR Live #13: April 25, 2009

    Content Summary: Writing in ReadWriteWeb on April 7, Marshall Kirkpatrick provided the framework for this FIR Live discussion to address a thorny question: Is social media monitoring critical or creepy? Our discussion explored many aspects of the increasingly-popular business activity…