Month: July 2009
ID cards: It’s all in the positioning
Has the government finally got it right re the controversial identity card scheme for the UK? The Home Office is now talking less about counter-terrorism and more about easing travel in Europe, says eWeek Europe. […] in a rather downplayed…
IABC employment survey paints mixed picture
The results of the latest IABC member survey on employment issues carried out in June indicates that over 14% of members have lost their jobs in the last 12 months. That’s a lot of people as the professional association currently…
FIR Cut: Back-to-school pitches go social with Facebook and Twitter
Overflow from FIR #470 on July 30, 2009. USA Today: This year, back-to-school marketing is all about driving discussion in online social-media "communities." Download this podcast (2.4Mb, 5:59) If you want to automatically receive FIR Cuts as they’re published, subscribe…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #470: July 30, 2009
Content summary: Upcoming FIR Interview is coming; developing stories we’re watching: the SpinVox kerfuffle, patent for podcasting by VoloMedia, the extraordinary tale of Aral Balkan and Sys-Con/Ulitzer; Dan York reports on the Microsoft-Yahoo search and online advertising deal; the Media…
Trust is coming back, says Edelman
In January, PR firm Edelman published their 2009 Trust Barometer survey of trust and credibility in business and government (PDF download), an annual survey conducted in 20 countries. The global picture six months ago was, broadly speaking, one of pessimism…