Month: September 2009

  • Customer service in the age of the retweet

    Virgin Media’s major service outage this morning reminded me how things have actually changed for the better with this company, certainly in my experience as a customer. Not only has their cable broadband internet service vastly improved in uptime and…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #487: September 28, 2009

    Content summary: An explanation of Yom Kippur; no report from Michael Netzley this week; the Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop; Shel starts a discussion: Brands in Public by Seth Godin, and Google Sidewiki; News That Fits: John Cass posts about…

  • 100 PRs to follow on Twitter with one click

    Discovering new people on Twitter is what I find to be one of the most valuable elements of the service. Such discoveries can happen serendipitously (eg, you stumble across someone while searching for something unrelated) or by design (eg, you…

  • Is anyone measuring Twitter on mobile?

    As the news spotlight shone brightly on Twitter yesterday – the company announced a new injection of $100 million in more venture funding – market researcher Hitwise published some new stats about Twitter’s growth. Hitwise’s data, measuring visits in the…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #486: September 24, 2009

    Content summary: Twitter phishing attack; Kris Gallagher’s harmonica meme; Bright One volunteer-led agency announces four ambassadors; Dan York reports from Orlando, Florida; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; News That Fits: opportunities outweigh the risks with Facebook pages for investor…