Month: August 2010
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #562: August 30, 2010
Content summary: Follow-up on survey samples; correction on Disney blog aggregation story from last show; listener comments discussion; 5 minutes on… the Oxford English Dictionary may become an online-only publication, ghost-blogging firms, new thriller sells more e-books than hardcovers, how…
A simple answer to texting while driving
With a lot of cars on the UK roads this Bank Holiday weekend, it’s a fair bet that quite a few drivers will be using their mobile phones while driving their vehicles. While holding a mobile device in your hand…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #561: August 23, 2010
Content summary: Listeners’ comments and discussion; 5 minutes on… Have you heard of Facebook Stories (and Twitter Tales)?, books disruption: Seth Godin will no longer publish the old way and ads are coming, Disney invites bloggers to get aggregated, Skype…