Month: January 2011
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #583: January 24, 2011
Content summary: New FIR Book Review posted of Resonate by Nancy Duarte; diary date: next FIR Live is on Feb 19 with Eric Schwartzman and Paul Gillin on B2B social media; listeners’ comments discussion; News That Fits: bad guys shifting…
Stoking the buzz about Dell’s Vostro V130
I can think of few better ways of spending part of Sunday than playing with a new tech toy. Which is precisely what I’ve done today with a new device that Dell have let me have as part of a…
FIR Book Review: Resonate by Nancy Duarte
Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, by Nancy Duarte FIR Book Reviews editor Bob LeDrew reviews Nancy Duarte’s Resonate. According to the review, “Presentations are meant to inform, inspire, and persuade audiences. So why then do so many…