Month: January 2011

  • Comparing the economic state of the states

    Is the USA the world’s richest country, as many believe? I guess much depends on how you measure that. What about individual states? I’ve sometimes pondered that question myself, either in terms of outright wealth or economic measures like gross…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #582: January 17, 2011

    Content summary: FIR website sidebar updated and adjusted; new FIR Book Review is up; Chester Burger honoured on 90th birthday with scholarship; listener comments discussion; News That Fits: how schools can use social media to engage pupils, Michael Netzley reports…

  • Trust is key to avoiding a bad WordPress theme

    A red flag waving is how I saw Siobhan Ambrose’s post a few days ago on why you should never search for free WordPress themes in Google or anywhere else. What Ambrose presents in her post is the result of…

  • FIR Book Review: UnMarketing by Scott Stratten

    UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging, by Scott Stratten FIR Book Reviews editor Bob LeDrew reviews Scott Stratten’s UnMarketing. According to the official review, "UnMarketing shows you how to unlearn the old ways and consistently attract and engage the right…

  • Dustbin of history

    See what can happen when you don’t engage online :) The Dilbert strip, December 11, 2010. Related Dilbert posts: [Posterous] What Really Matters: Will Dilbert Do More Cartoons About The Cloud? Dear God, no!