Month: February 2011

  • FIR Interview: Steve Pinches on the FT, tablets and mobile

    An industry undergoing wholesale change is one way of characterizing the mainstream media as news organizations confront a digital future by planning and experimenting with different business models to help ensure their survival in a marketplace that bears little resemblance…

  • Communication is key to issue management, Vodafone

    Trouble in the UK for mobile operator Vodafone this Monday morning as thousands if not millions of customers across the UK have no cellular or mobile broadband service at all. I’m one of those. As I write this post, there…

  • FIR Cut: Childish PR practices, the end of email

    Overflow from FIR #588 on February 28, 2011. PR Daily: A PR rep unfollows a journalist because of critical stories Financial Times: European company will ban internal use of email by 2014 (free FT registration required) Download this podcast (MP3,…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #588: February 28, 2011

    Content summary: FIR Interview with’s Laura Fitton is up and one with the Financial Times on its mobile efforts is coming; congratulations to Voce Communications on its acquisition by Porter-Novelli; a review of Peter Shankman’s new book is coming…

  • Behaviorgraphics: better understanding of levels of engagement

    One of the best visual aids to understanding influence, influencers and people’s behaviours online is the technograhics ladder created by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff for their book, Groundswell, in 2007 and updated in early 2010. (Click the thumbnail to…