Month: February 2011
FIR Interview: Steve Pinches on the FT, tablets and mobile
An industry undergoing wholesale change is one way of characterizing the mainstream media as news organizations confront a digital future by planning and experimenting with different business models to help ensure their survival in a marketplace that bears little resemblance…
FIR Cut: Childish PR practices, the end of email
Overflow from FIR #588 on February 28, 2011. PR Daily: A PR rep unfollows a journalist because of critical stories Financial Times: European company will ban internal use of email by 2014 (free FT registration required) Download this podcast (MP3,…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #588: February 28, 2011
Content summary: FIR Interview with’s Laura Fitton is up and one with the Financial Times on its mobile efforts is coming; congratulations to Voce Communications on its acquisition by Porter-Novelli; a review of Peter Shankman’s new book is coming…