Month: March 2011

  • Salesforce and Radian6 combination signals social media ecosystem consolidation

    Yesterday’s announcement that has offered to acquire Radian6 for $326 million strongly suggests that an embryonic social media ecosystem is evolving from a monitoring/analytics tools and services landscape that, broadly speaking, is immature, fragmented and piecemeal and ripe for…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #592: March 28, 2011

    Content summary: New FIR Interviews posted with ClearWire’s Adam Parker and Edelman Japan’s Ross Rowbury; FIR Interview coming with Azeem Azhar, founder of Peer Index; congratulations to social media pioneer Christopher Barger who moves from GM to Porter Novelli’s Voce;…

  • FIR Interview: Edelman Japan President Ross Rowbury on earthquake-tsunami communications

    In this FIR Interview, guest interviewer Jon Hoel talks with Ross Rowbury, president of Edelman Japan, about communications in the wake of the devastating Japan earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. (An excerpt from this interview was included in…

  • The acceptance hurdles for QR codes

    QR codes are appearing with increasing frequency in a growing range of marketing and communication activities. I’ve been paying attention to who’s using these two-dimensional barcodes and how in their marketing when I’m out and about, especially in supermarkets, taking…

  • Ten blogs which might be a good role model

    Last week, Michael Netzley asked me if I could think of any blogs which might be a good role model for a university president. Michael – who is a lecturer at the Singapore Management University and a contributor to the…