Month: October 2012
Sponsor profile: Web Hosting Buzz
Since the beginning of 2012, has been sponsored by WebHostingBuzz. The arrangement I made with its UK-based CEO Matt Russell – his company hosts my web presence at no financial cost to me; in return, I talk about them…
Does the BBC really have the courage to come clean?
Unless you sit atop a remote mountain or cast yourself away on a desert island, and as long as you have no means of digital connectivity with you, it’s impossible to avoid seeing and hearing about Jimmy Savile. The continuing…
Just because Apple had to doesn’t mean they want to
Apple has posted a statement on its UK website that is the apology it was ordered to publish by a High Court judge as one result of losing the case in a lawsuit filed by Samsung seeking a legal declaration…
The evolution of the ‘frictionless content experience’ gathers pace
The news on October 22 that ReadWriteWeb – one of the most credible tech news and information resources on the social web – has relaunched as ReadWrite is noteworthy in marking a milestone in how professional ‘mainstream’ blogs offer their…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #674: October 22, 2012
Listen Now: [audio] Intro: New dial-in comment line number for North America; FIR Book Review of “What the Plus!” by Guy Kawasaki posted; Shel contributed to new Mayo Clinic social media book; FIR’s one-year GaggleAMP anniversary; Quick News: Welcome to…