Month: October 2012
First BYOD, then BYOA: is COPE the tipping point?
‘Bring your own device‘ is a phrase whose acronym BYOD has gained wide recognition in business, large businesses especially. Apart from the genuine business pros and cons surrounding the idea of employees bringing their own computers, phones, tablets, etc, to…
FIR Book Review: What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us by Guy Kawasaki
Listen Now: Google+ is Google’s social network, launched publicly in September 2011 following a three-month beta test phase. According to its Wikipedia entry, as of September 2012, it has a total of 400 million registered users of whom 100 million…
Where the internet lives
It’s a picture of Google that you wouldn’t possibly imagine when you think of the search engine giant that, increasingly, is directly involved in many other services. Multiple pictures, in fact, that tell a story far more valuable than 1,000…
Paper breadcrumbs
The Telegraph reports that The Guardian is "seriously discussing" the closure of its print operation and focusing wholly on digital. In other words, no more print, only digital content. Says The Telegraph: […] the company has been forced to steadily…