Month: April 2013
FIR Interview: Eric Wahlforss, Co-Founder and CTO, SoundCloud
SoundCloud‘s co-founder Eric Wahlforss sees his company as a social network, with its primary competitors Facebook and Twitter, two of the giants of today’s social web. Its Wikipedia entry describes SoundCloud as an online audio distribution platform that allows collaboration,…
FIR Cut: Developing global consensus for the PR profession
Overflow from FIR #701 on April 29, 2013. Discussion references: What do Barcelona, Melbourne and Stockholm mean to PRs? Global Alliance: The World Public Relations Forum: Melbourne’s Mandate for PR Barcelona Declaration of Measurement Principles The Melbourne Mandate Stockholm…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #701: April 29, 2013
Intro: No Shel live this week (we have contributions), Stephen Waddington joins Neville in a guest segment; Bob LeDrew’s FIR Book Review of Peter Shankman’s Nice Companies Finish First is up, review coming soon from Eric Schwartzman of Brian Solis’…
FIR Book Review: Nice Companies Finish First, by Peter Shankman with Karen Kelly
Peter Shankman applied his skills as a communicator and businessman to create Help A Reporter Out (HARO), an email service that connected journalists looking for people to interview with individuals with the experience or insights to meet the journalist’s needs.…