Month: August 2013

  • Differentiators in the battle for the 4G customer

    Mobile operator EE has enjoyed a near year-long monopoly with its 4G cellular service in the UK, launched in October 2012. That dominant market position comes to an end this week as rival mobile operators Vodafone and O2 begin to…

  • From the fingertips of bloggers over 50

    The email said, “We have a paying subscriber base of around 550,000 and 1.2 million readers so do expect an increase in visitors – make sure you put your wittiest, wisest comments up around then!” These were the words of…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #718: August 26, 2013

    Intro: FIR Interview with Jean Valin and Dan Tisch about the Melbourne Mandate is up; interview with Craig Jolley on marketing automation coming; reflections on Bloggade 2013; Quick News: Volkswagen’s #SmileDrive “the first social app to maximize fun on every…

  • Welcome to the Middle East and have a nice day

    Amid the conflict, awful tragedy and human suffering constantly occupying centre stage in mainstream media reporting about the Middle East, one man tries to explain the relationship complexities of, among, between, within and without key countries, states and individuals;  and…

  • A reminder: SEO isn’t PR

    Heather Yaxley has a great post that ought to be widely shared and bookmarked way beyond the public relations community – although PRs would benefit from reading it, too. It’s about search engine optimization – SEO – that often seems…