Month: May 2015
FIR Interview: Leila Janah and The Future of Work
The expansion of the global internet population will continue to have a profound impact on infrastructure, education, finance, commerce, and healthcare, among other industries worldwide. That was a major theme of The Next Billion London, a one-day conference on May…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #809: May 25, 2015
Intro: FIR Interview with Leila Janah coming this week, FIR Podcast Network shows make Cision top 50 PR/Marketing podcasts recommendations; Quick News: Tweets now appear in Google search results, communication leaders aren’t leading very well, 110 photojournalists run National Geographic’s…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #808: May 18, 2015
Intro: New FIR website (and a hint of more to come), FIR’s new Pinterest account – and a board for sharing books for young communicators; Quick News: How T-Mobile blew $200K on a campaign against Verizon, Domino’s to roll out…
FIR Interview: Julian Mills and Steven Green on social intranets
Communicators struggle to build genuine online engagement among employees using the various social tools available for intranets. Study after study shows that few employees use these tools, regardless of how much they might be engaged with external social media. At…