Month: August 2015
FIR #821: The pitfalls of product promotion on social media
News That Fits discussions: The pitfalls of product promotion on social media: lessons to learn from Kim Kardashian’s drug-product promo on Instagram; Tinder’s Twitter meltdown: was it a planned PR stunt?
Is Crowd Mics the answer to making events truly engaging?
Such a familiar situation when you go to a conference: Ever been part of an audience and wanted to participate in a live event? Your options were limited: either raise your hand and project as far as your voice allows;…
FIR #820: Marketing is shifting from agencies and moving in-house
Intro: The final episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report is coming in September, and more news about changes in FIR; new FIR Interview coming this week; two new FIR Podcast Network shows about to debut: YouTubular Conversations with Harry…