Month: January 2018
For Immediate Release 122: Trust, influence, pharma and more
The January installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report brings Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz together in a long-form podcast that covers a handful of topical issues. We start with the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer including the role of influencers…
SDF Podcast 15 – Reining in tech: responsibility, regulation and education
Our Christmas episode was recorded under the auspices of Janus, the god of all things related to time. Now into the month named after him, the SmallDataForum reviews its predictions and looks at the year ahead. Will Europe ‘take back…
The appeal of the open Internet
When I reflect on my career over the past few decades, I think about three constants that have always been present no matter the type of work I have done or with whom I have done it. Those three constants…