Month: March 2023
Can we finally ditch AVE in PR please?
Some years ago, Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) was a hot topic in PR industry discussion. The discussion focused on an increasingly widely-held view that AVE is a discredited measurement metric for public relations. AVE refers to the practice of estimating…
Bill Gates: the Age of AI has Begun
Last week, Bill Gates published a lengthy essay about artificial intelligence and what he believes it heralds for humanity and the world. He introduced his story by recounting what he had witnessed last year with the results of a challenge…
A podcasting journey evolves: meet the Podnosticators
Podcasting is an activity that I love. From my first steps into this field in late 2004, I now host and co-host three business podcasts. One of these is The Small Data Forum monthly podcast that started in May 2016.…
Coca-Cola brings Old Masters to life with AI
Masterpiece follows the journey of a Coca-Cola bottle from one iconic painting to the next as it makes its way to a thirsty student in need of inspiration. The VFX team at Electric Theatre Collective and creative agency Blitzworks used…