Month: October 2024
Perspectives on Industry Trends and Implications for Communicators
In the October monthly episode 432 of our For Immediate Release podcast, Shel and I delve into six timely and thought-provoking topics relevant to communication professionals. The topics we discussed span the evolving roles of social media platforms in crisis…
The Ever-Expanding C-Suite and Its Impact on Business Efficiency
In recent years, the corporate landscape has seen an explosion of new C-suite job titles, adding layers to executive teams and fundamentally shifting the way businesses approach leadership. Titles like Chief Culture Officer, Chief AI Officer, Chief Wellness Officer, and…
Fresh FIR Podcast Conversations on the Horizon
If you’ve been wondering why the For Immediate Release podcast has been a little quiet lately, there’s a simple reason. Both Shel and I have been caught up with major work and life events over the past few weeks. Shel…