Category: FIR Podcast Network

  • For Immediate Release 92: Marketing failures of the UK’s Conservative Party

    For Immediate Release 92: Marketing failures of the UK’s Conservative Party

    We said we’d do one episode together of the For Immediate Release podcast as a ‘limited return engagement,’ emulating The Hobson and Holtz Report that Shel and I did for ten years. We did do that with episode 84 in…

  • For Immediate Release 84: the ‘limited return engagement’ episode

    For Immediate Release 84: the ‘limited return engagement’ episode

    Recording episode 84 of the For Immediate Release podcast with Shel Holtz yesterday evening was like stepping into a new – but, at the same time, familiar – room to start a friendly conversation. It was The Hobson and Holtz…

  • Topical issues for business communicators right now

    Topical issues for business communicators right now

    On Monday January 2, I had a blast being a guest co-presenter on the For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast episode 68 with Shel Holtz, CC Chapman and Dan York. Over the course of a lively 97 minutes – FIR podcasts…

  • FIR is dead. Long live FIR!

    FIR is dead. Long live FIR!

    On September 7, I co-hosted and recorded the last episode of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report with my podcasting partner, Shel Holtz. It’s a ritual Shel and I have followed every week for the past ten years…

  • FIR #824: Is SEO really dead?

    Intro: Welcome to the final episode of ‘The Hobson and Holtz Report’; a quick note about ‘For Immediate Release’ beginning on September 21; Quick News: Hundreds of Wikipedia editors banned for secretly promoting brands, Barcelona Principles 2.0 unveiled, virtual reality…