Category: FIR Podcast Network
FIR #823: Do brands need Chief Narrative Officers?
Intro: Joe Thornley is sitting in for Neville on the penultimate episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report; the final show, episode 824, will air next Monday; a few words about For Immediate Release, the show that will fill the…
FIR #822: The case against impressions as a digital metric
View image | Intro: Red Folder is free for a year to those affected by fires in the U.S. West, IABC Fellows talk measurement and ROI live this Thursday on ‘Circle of Fellows’; Quick News: Drones are taking off…
A chat about podcasting
Since announcing in FIR #820 last week that I’ll be hanging up my FIR podcasting hat (or mic) next month after more than ten years of creating The Hobson and Holtz Report podcast with Shel Holtz each week, I’ve been…
FIR #821: The pitfalls of product promotion on social media
News That Fits discussions: The pitfalls of product promotion on social media: lessons to learn from Kim Kardashian’s drug-product promo on Instagram; Tinder’s Twitter meltdown: was it a planned PR stunt?
FIR #820: Marketing is shifting from agencies and moving in-house
Intro: The final episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report is coming in September, and more news about changes in FIR; new FIR Interview coming this week; two new FIR Podcast Network shows about to debut: YouTubular Conversations with Harry…