Category: Gadgets
Inside the connected car
Very interesting assessment of in-car technology with some quotable predictions from Intel, eg: By next year the car will be the third most-connected place in which people spend time. By 2016, how connected a car is will be a critical…
Dilbert’s unique take on the mini-tablet market
Humour aside, a “bad tablet and an even worse phone”? In my experience, an excellent tablet but probably not good as a phone. Much depends on what you want to use such a device for. I have a Dell Streak…
Scroll Excel 7 first look
The market for tablet computers is looking rosy according to any number of research studies and reports in the mainstream media and tech press. It’s continuing good news for Apple and its iPad and for the myriad Android tablet-makers; and…
Sizing up the Samsung Galaxy Note
I’ve been exploring a new gadget this weekend, a Samsung Galaxy Note that I have for review. If you looked at it, you’d think it was a rather large smartphone. Indeed, compare it to the Samsung Galaxy SII that I…
Scroll 7" tablet first impressions
If you’re in the market for a tablet computer, you have a number of options. The obvious one, that everyone talks about, is the iPad. It was the brand that rebooted an entire market and quickly established the benchmark for…