Category: Online Media
FIR 181: Some decisions to consider about social media
With this episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report, FIR 181, Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz embark on a renewed journey every month with conversation at the intersection of business, communication and technology, just as when they first started out…
The fork in the road for social media and our society
The horror from Christchurch, New Zealand, that exploded across newspaper pages and television, computer and smartphone screens this weekend captured imaginations in ways that no one could possibly have imagined beforehand. The fact that one individual armed with a semi-automatic…
SDF Podcast 19: Is GDPR much ado about nothing?
Ten days after the EU General Data Protection Regulation came into action, the SmallDataForum convened to provide initial assessments and perspectives. This episode’s show notes were written by Thomas Stoeckle. Are we witnessing comedy or drama? Much ado about nothing…
How to be a magazine publisher with Flipboard
In the summer of 2010, a new visual way of consuming news stories was launched for iOS mobile devices – especially the iPad which had been released a few months earlier – in the form of Flipboard, an aggregator app…
Fake news is a global concern says BBC survey
To many people, the phenomenon known as fake news is something that’s moved beyond just a news item itself and into the realm of trust. With so much reporting and commentary about fake news, it’s no surprise that we’re placing…