Category: Reviews
Increase your computer satisfaction with Soluto’s anti-frustration service
One of the banes of modern computer life is booting up, the process that happens to your computer when you switch it on. On my office desktop computer running 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, it takes well over five minutes from…
Getting to know the Olympus LS-14 and LS-12
As a podcaster, I’m interested in portable digital audio recorders as tools that I can use to record interviews, for example, when out and about. So when I hear about a new portable audio-recording device on the market, I’m curious…
Get things done even faster on EE 4G
Since I started using EE’s 4G cellular service last December courtesy of EE and the ambassador programme I’m participating in, the one thing that constantly impresses me is simply how fast it is so that you can get things done,…
Content is king but so is the delivery platform
One of the benefits of being a member of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is the bi-monthly magazine, CW. Every other month, the printed publication originally known as Communication World would come through your letterbox filled with useful…