Category: Travel

  • How to meet entrepreneurs, gain local insights and avoid accommodation costs

    Guest post by entrepreneur Fred Caballero, co-founder, Entrepreneurs are hard-working, focused people and, many times, they find themselves on a pretty lonely journey. When my partner and I set up our first company in Dublin in 2008, naturally we…

  • Delight your customers, don’t just please them

    Some interesting shifts in thinking are getting underway in the travel industry, according to AdAge, with British Airways in the forefront of looking at how they’re using technology in customer service and what they need to do to help their…

  • QR codes at heart of lost-and-found service

    A topic I’ve written about frequently here is QR codes, those square, random-looking black-and-white images that are meaningless to the eye but content-rich to a cameraphone and some barcode-scanning software. These little barcodes are popping up everywhere these days, and…

  • QR codes at the heart of Monmouthpedia

    An interesting experiment gets its official launch this weekend when Monmouthpedia formally kicks off today. The Welsh town of Monmouth is the focus of this Wikipedia project that aims to create physical connections between places throughout the town, and events…

  • Inside the connected car

    Very interesting assessment of in-car technology with some quotable predictions from Intel, eg: By next year the car will be the third most-connected place in which people spend time. By 2016, how connected a car is will be a critical…