Category: Travel
Free hotel wifi: Light at the end of the tunnel?
The subject of internet connectivity in hotels has received quite a bit of attention during the past few weeks. I posted about my experiences with hotel internet connectivity while in Las Vegas and in Amsterdam recently, highlighting a nice way…
A cure for hotel wifi frustrations with Connectify
One of the biggest frustrations when you’re travelling is the less than compelling experiences that are typical with internet connectivity in hotels and conference venues – high cost, difficulty and/or extra costs to connect more than one device (laptop plus…
The value of free internet
One of the feaures of travel these days is the (usually-met) expectation of high internet charges in your hotel. It’s common in Europe, for instance, for hotels to charge eye-watering rates to let you get online: charges of £20 or…
Virgin Atlantic’s got it
I saw this TV ad for Virgin Atlantic for the first time last night. The airline first used it in 2010. As you can probably tell, I don’t watch a lot of TV. :) It captured my imagination. Beautifully made.…
Will iPads lead to better customer service?
British Airways “revolutionises customer service using iPads,” says a BA press release on August 17 about a service trial that got quite a bit of attention this week. The airline says it’s trialling iPads with 100 cabin crew to enable…