Category: Twitter

  • How to report Twitter hashtag spammers

    One of the most useful features of Twitter for events like conferences and tweet chats is the hashtag. A hashtag – a keyword preceded by the ‘#’ symbol – enables conference-goers, the event organizer and anyone else interested in the…

  • Twitter can’t be gagged, even in France

    The first round in the French presidential election ended yesterday with the result that Socialist Party challenger François Hollande narrowly edged in front of incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy by the slim margin of just over 1 percent of the vote.…

  • Tweet chat: Community engagement and other topics

    If you’re a small or medium business and would like to hear what others’ experiences are with using social media effectively, and perhaps share your own experiences, the next Dell tweet chat is for you. Over the course of an…

  • How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag

    If you moderate or participate in tweet chats, you know how frantic they can be. In a lively discussion, you can get a constant firehose of tweets pouring at you over the course of the chat, often an hour or…

  • Twitter hashtags: spam magnets

    One of the most useful engagement tools for a conference is a Twitter hashtag. This little device, where a word is connected to the hash symbol (#) – known as a pound sign in the US – is a useful…