Category: Twitter
How Twitter Works – a legal opinion
Most reasonable people are aware that if you publicly publish something defamatory about someone else that is false, you can be sued for libel. If you lose the legal case, it can be expensive for you in terms of damage to your…
Lights, camera, action: the unexpected rise of live online video
Facebook and Twitter are no longer simply text platforms but mobile video channels battling to turn consumers away from TV
The metamorphosis of Twitter
I remember when blogging first captured the attention and imaginations of early adopters and online adventurers in the early part of this century, not long after the dot-com bubble burst. It was a time of discovery, learning new things and…
Tweeting a joke can be no joke
Reports emerged late last week that Twitter is deleting tweets that copy another tweeter’s jokes. The Verge reports on a writer’s request to Twitter to remove a tweet that used her content (a joke) without permission and thus infringed her…
Dick Costolo: Twitter unfollows the leader as social milestones are missed
Slowing growth in user numbers and failure to capture a bigger slice of digital advertising revenue drove the departure of the chief executive