Tag: Audioboo

  • Milestones in Iran

    While the mainstream media is proving its worth (and its mettle) in its reporting of fast-moving events in Iran, that parallel universe known as social media is a channel for huge volumes of comment and opinion, the type that is…

  • Audioboo beyond the iPhone

    One of the hottest apps for the iPhone is Audioboo, a free services that lets you record up to five minutes of audio on your iPhone and then publish the recording to the web. It’s audio blogging made easy. I’ve…

  • Easy audio blogging with Audioboo

    Here’s the coolest iPhone application I’ve found so far this year – Audioboo. What you do with Audioboo is simple: record audio on your iPhone and publish the recordings to your Audioboo account on the web, complete with your geo-location…