Tag: WordPress
NevilleHobson.com is Now an Archive
After more than 18 years of writing and publishing here, it’s time for a new chapter. As of today, NevilleHobson.com is no longer being updated. Instead, this site will remain online as an archive of my thinking and writing on…
Letting Go of SEO and Writing for Engagement
For years, search engine optimisation (SEO) was a key consideration in my approach to blogging. Like many people, I optimised WordPress with metadata, lightweight themes, and SEO plugins. But as I transition from self-hosted WordPress to hosted Ghost, I find…
Ghost Embraces ActivityPub and the Fediverse
Yesterday, I shared my decision to move from WordPress to Ghost, a platform designed for writing and blogging simplicity and focus. In this follow-up post, I want to talk about an exciting feature of Ghost that sets it apart from…
From WordPress to Ghost: Embracing Simplicity in Blogging
For nearly two decades, my online home has been WordPress. But now, it feels like the right time to move on, so I’m preparing for a move to Ghost, a platform that is a compelling alternative to WordPress. WordPress has…