Global swimwear brand Speedo has released the second podcast in the Speedo Make Waves series, featuring an interview with Amanda Beard, Olympic champion and FHM cover girl.
Speedo’s press release about the second podcast includes a quote from me on the potential of podcasting as a complementary element in their overall marketing communication and PR:
Speedo Make Waves is the beginning of a series of complementary communication initiatives with social media, enabling Speedo to reach out in a new way to young consumers and swim fans via an alternative and engaging medium. The inaugural podcast with Michael Phelps provided people with access to one of the world’s top athletes, giving them some insight into his extraordinary life. It produced positive responses from many in the swimming community. There is certainly a great opportunity for Speedo to build community through its social media initiatives. This second interview with Amanda Beard showing a different side to the life of an Olympic hero is a clear indicator of its potential.
It’s not often you have a PR guy being a main quotee in a client’s press release (and no, I didn’t write the press release).
While it might look a bit of a bland statement out of its context, it does support the overall messages that are valid for Speedo and many other organizations – reaching out to consumers in a new and interesting way that’s likely to appeal to them, and creating a foundation for building community.
(Disclosure: I produced the inaugural Speedo Make Waves podcast for Speedo.)
17 responses to “Podcasting as complementary communication”
This really is a shift from “push” to “pull” marketing. The challenge we will face is convincing our clients that smaller numbers are okay.
For example, if 2,000 people (I’m making up numbers) download the Speedo podcast, those of us that podcast would say that’s a good response. Speedo, on the other hand is accustomed to placing ads that are seen by hundreds of thousands. I’d argue that the 2,000 is better because this group is now invested in Speedo. They have taken the time to download and hopefully listen to the program. Even better, they are most likely serious swimmers which could result in their wearing Speedo product to the pool. It goes on and on from there….
That’s my view as well, John.
It’s not the volume that’s the important thing – it’s who they are (direct influence) and who they connect to (indirect influence).
Even if the numbers were one tenth of those you mention, it would still be viable.
John’s comments are exactly the situation we are facing. The number of downloads was well over 5,000 for the first podcast (with Neville interviewing Michael Phelps). Fortunately, Neville briefed me properly on what to expect audience wise, and I communicated that internally. We are looking at it from the viewpoint that the audience is one that is truly interested in what we have to say (provided we keep the content interesting and about the sport, not about the brand).
Alex, thanks for giving us that insight! 5,000 is amazing for a first cast, and as I’m sure Neville has told you that number will continue to rise. As an example, our first podcast episode (not even close to 5,000 downloads on our first cast) still had 63 downloads over the last 2 weeks. It was posted in November. I’d wager you’ll at least double your 5k.
How did you share your audience expectations internally – formally or informally? Did you set download targets? How are you promoting your cast outside of the blogosphere and podcast directories?
I certainly agree that more likely than not the people that have listened to the Speedo podcast are serious swimmers, but would add that they are probably already wearing the Speedo products. Speedo, with these podcasts, would be better suited to agressively pursue those people who do not wear Speedo products, ie. “normal people.” Speedo’s goal is to bring their products mainstream and these podcasts give them the ability to do that, but not by specifically targeted those already in the swimming community.
I say do something different, target these podcasts at the non-swimmer, show the “human” side of our amazing athletes – there is one. Pitch your non-performance products like this new Xcelerate line… I listened to an Amanda Beard podcast and didn’t hear anything about it… instead they allowed her to pitch her non-Speedo sponsors. Use the podcasts as marketing not just as swimming updates.
That’s an intereresting point, Scott, re listeners being serious swimmerrs already wearing Speedo.
I can’t speak for Speedo on this, but I would certainly agree that’s a likely result so far. People hear about the podcast or find it on iTunes and it’s something addressing an activity they are passionate about or at least have a strong interest in.
It’s not the only swimming-related podcast on iTunes – a search on the word “swimming” turns up over 30 results including Speedo’s. There’s plenty out there.
While over 5,000 downloads so far is pretty good for a new podcast, it’s not about the numbers – it’s about who those people are. That will become more important as Speedo produce more podcasts.
While Speedo Make Waves is complementary to Speedo’s other communication channels, I very much like your comment re doing something different. I think Speedo Make Waves is an indicator of their doing that. It’s just a start.
By the way, Scott, just for the benefit of anyone reading this post and the comments who might not know – Scott is an Olympic champion swimmer who represented the US team at the 2000 and 2004 Olympics.
Info here:
Scott, I think you’ve been duped – in the best possible way. What I (and I’m sure I’m not alone here) see as the beauty of this, as a marketing execution, is that it is not perceived as one by the audience. Speedo is giving value to its customers, reinforcing the brand, and getting some pretty good PR out of this.
The Speedo Message is going to get hammered home every time they release a new show. People are going to talk about these shows at the pool, and they’re going to mention Speedo everytime they discuss the show. THAT’S marketing!
And they’re building a loyal, growing audience of podcast listeners to boot. In the final analysis the ROI on this “ad spend” is going to be far greater than a broadcast buy.
Of course, I’m a True Believer, and I could be totally wrong ;-)
I am not quite so sure. What value does a podcast that offers no new information to the listener that they couldn’t find elsewhere beforehand? No offense to you Neville, but the Michael Phelps podcast gave me nothing valuable to walk away and say “I didn’t know that.”
Eventually, instead of building a loyal audience, the novelty factor wears off and these “loyal listeners” decide that it is not worth their time to download anymore. What then? That is why I say “do something different.” Something that could not be learned elsewhere, something that makes people come back for more. But then again, I am up to date on all things swimming or so I like to believe.
Why not make this an open mike for the athletes? Allow them to have free reign on the topic? Maybe have Ian Crocker sing a song or two? Have fun with it. News can be had anywhere. Take a different road on this one. Get creative and keep those listeners.
No offence taken, Scott :)
Valid comments and suggestions. I’d definitely encourage candid comments like that. It’s great feedback for Speedo, frankly.
That “something different” is a point any serious podcaster faces and should address at the outset, in my view. It’s part of what will separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
I’d summarize your points this way – it’s largely about the content and how that content engenders a positive action in those who listen to it. It needs to be compelling, differentiated, such as in ways you suggest.
I will start with answering Scott’s replies.
Agree 100% on your statement “focus on the non-swimmer”. But, as you are probably aware, part of our job in a large corporation is the internal sell, making the company understand the new medium. To get that accomplished, you have to start in their comfort zone, build trust and then begin to show the true benefits of the medium. Step 1 is “safe” target the core audience with relevant swim specific information. Next step is “fun” which starts next week with the first video podcasts (Libby Lenton and Leisel Jones of Aus).
Very good comments on Ian Crocker and music, got the brain working overtime on other ideas. On the marketing side, what is important for me is to be very clear that new media is not a source of advertising, but rather the unique content is crucial. My take is that people will not download a podcast if they think you are using it as a blatant corporate marketing tool.
John, sorry I haven’t answered your questions earlier. First, thanks for the info about the 63 downloads. You were spot on. We have had over 500 downloads on the first podcast since the second one went live, wasn’t expecting that.
Based on Neville’s info, we expected to get close to 10,000 downloads, but communicated very little internally (and only on a one to one informal basis). The internal response to the 5,000 downloads has been very positive. Reaching 5,000 people who proactively seek out info about your brand has been seen in a very positive light!
We have advertised the podcasts on, one of the key vertical swim sites. We have also used our own swimming community site, and our main website, as well as sending out a press release for each of the first two podcasts. Swimming USA (the Olympic Swim Federation) has also been a great help, with their site being a key generator of the press release.
Stace, your comments will be used word for word by myself internally! That is why getting the branding in the tagline was so crucial for us.
Scott, the “nothing new learned” comment is a valid one, also echoed on
All part of the learning curve for us.
Hope that the video podcast with Libby and Leisel changes your mind about that.
Would love to have a conversation with you about your ideas and how we might be able to work together/integrate your ideas. Still have some podcasts lined up this year with key US athletes, and can definitely see a role for you, if you are interested.
A tremendous conversation! Alex, thanks for the detail you’ve provided re your thinking about the podcasts.
Key point you make:
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Gentleman, this truly is a tremendous conversation. Alex and Neville, you are very generous to share your experience with us – I’m glad to have been a little bit of help but have already gotten way more out of this than I could possibly contribute.
I mentioned I’m a True Believer – your project (and its impending success) will be an excellent case study for 100’s of similar efforts in the very near future.
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[…] Speedo received a lot of feedback to those early podcasts, including suggestions on how to improve the experience for listeners (in other words, how to make them more engaging and credible). […]