Finally someone has produced an infographic-style video that flips the promotion of social media on its head to look at metrics such as the opener that says “Over 6.2 billion people on earth don’t use Facebook.”

“Social Media Truth” takes the opposite approach to videos like Erik Qualman’s original “Social Media Revolution” from 2009 – on which the former is clearly modelled including the Fatboy Slim track – but dear oh dear, what a subjective mess it is.

Take a look at Social Media Truth:

(If you don’t see the video embedded, watch it at YouTube.)

And, given that the video was made this year, check the updated Social Media Revolution 2011 for comparison:

(If you don’t see the video embedded, watch it at YouTube.)

With both of these videos, each is promoting something. In Qualman’s case, a book. With the other, a marketing event in Australia next February and March.

Erik Qualman’s original Social Media Revolution attracted nearly 3 million views on YouTube plus undoubtedly countless embeds in blogs and PowerPoint decks. His refresh version in 2010 has nearly 1.8 million views.

Even with some spot-on elements  – good points about social media experts and snake oil salesmen – I’m still not sure whether Social Media Truth is tongue-in-cheek or not. After all, the video makes big that social media tools are essentially ignored or even worthless – yet the event organizer promotes a Twitter handle, a LinkedIn profile and a Facebook page for the event.

Talk about snake oil.

Watch them all and make up your own mind. I don’t think Social Media Truth is worth any attention but you may have a different view.

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2 responses to “Snake oil marketing”

  1. […]  Ou se calhar algo um pouco mais ponderado — entre os dois. Take your time…(Com base no artigo de Neville Hobson)#dd_ajax_float{background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #edeff4;border:0px solid […]

  2. Elizabeth Glau avatar

    Thanks for sharing! It is always good to keep things in perspective. I think the reason that a few companies are having success with social media is that only a few are doing it well. The statistics that the “Social Media Truth” pointed out about a small percentage of people trusting what a brand says is the same reason that traditional marketing is less effective these days. People trust what their friends recommend – and that is the power of social media. If you don’t engage your customers – it won’t work.