Scan this QR code for more information...A technology that’s often subject to much criticism is QR codes, those square symbols that enable a barcode scanning app on your smartphone to interpret the data they contain and deliver information to you when you scan them

Much of the criticism is about how QR codes are presented by those who create them, often in ways that are simply lame or even mind boggling.

But when you see a great example of how a QR code is being used to convey useful information on a practical level, that’s when you see how genuinely useful they can be in terms of the information they enable you to access or the experiences they enable you to enjoy, or both.

I’ve written about QR codes quite a bit in this blog, highlighting the good and the not so good. Here’s another example, definitely for the ‘good’ list.

I spotted this QR code one evening recently as a key element of a sign on a bus stop in Wokingham, the town in southeast England where I live.

Next bus

Quite simple – scan the QR code to get information on when buses are due to arrive at that particular bus stop.

So you scan the code with your phone, and get a result like this:


It tells me quite clearly when I can expect the next bus. If I were waiting for a bus at that stop, perhaps just arriving there, I’d find that useful. As the sign shows, I have other options to get information. There’s also the real-time display on the bus stop itself, bringing in bus timetable information by wifi to display.

Plenty of choices.

While this is a simple example, it does demonstrate how to add a method of access to information that will appeal to some people, some bus travellers in this case. Not everyone will be interested or even have a smartphone with them. But if you are and you do, then this is a good example of offering something useful to your audience that will appeal to some of them, and that requires little effort (or real cost) to implement.

Crucially, it is available to the consumer at no cost other than any charges related to data use via their carrier’s cellular or wifi network.

It reminds me in a small way of the Monmouthpedia experiment a few years ago – access via QR codes to useful information in a town where you could get a great network connection (and, so, access to the content) that will appeal to some people, not necessarily all of them.


The biggest barrier that stands in the way of wider acceptance and use of QR codes is the simple fact that every mobile phone with a camera needs a barcode scanning app in order to make use of QR codes. Currently, no phone from any UK carrier comes with such an app already installed – you have to find one in an app store, download it and install it.

As soon as such apps come with a phone – perhaps as part of the core apps, or the extra software mobile operators typically install – we’ll all be ready. Then it’s up to the advertisers, marketers and communicators to attract our attention, interest, desire and action with the application of something imaginative and compelling.

Something that will make me scan your code. Because I can.

20 responses to “Making a QR code useful isn’t rocket science”

  1. Paul Sutton (@ThePaulSutton) avatar

    My HUGE issue with QR codes is what you point out – the fact that you have to have pre-installed an app. I’ve seen so few useful activations of codes that I no longer even have a scanner app on my mobile anymore (and haven’t for a long, long time). I can’t help but think of QR as a redundant technology that just never caught on.

    1. Neville Hobson avatar

      I know many people with similar views, Paul. But I have a scanner app, use it probably 3-4 times a week. Some department store apps have scanners built in as does Amazon’s, so that’s a big help. As I mentioned, though, it really will need the scanning function built-in to a phone, whether an included app or somehow part of the core apps. Then it’s up to the creators of QR codes. I certainly don’t write them off, not by a long way.

  2. PodcastSteve avatar

    I’m always amazed by the lack of imagination many QR code publishers have. So many codes are merely a link to a website home page, not even to a custom landing page that is relevant to the context in which the QR code was published. The flip side is that many QR codes are placed in silly locations, like in microscopic size on a billboard in an underground station that is across the tracks from the platform and impossible to scan.