At the New Communications Forum in Palo Alto, just after 8.30am here. Sitting in the main session room to get online, check RSS feeds, and write this quick post.

I might even get some time to blog some of the sessions today. Since leaving Amsterdam on Tuesday, I’ve had so little time for much. The nine hour time diference kind of knocks your internal clock a bit

Yesterday Shel and I did our Podcasting 101 workshop. What a tremendous group we had. The culmination of the 4-hour session was a podcast, all done by the workshop participants. Worth a listen!

More later.

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One response to “At the New Communications Forum in Palo Alto”

  1. Tom’s not allowed out today……

    Do you remember when you were a kid and for some reason (normally something mundane) your mother wouldn’t let you go out and play, and you’d sit in the house and hear lots of laughter from kids (probably not even……