I’ve just upgraded WordPress on this blog to version 2.0.2 which was released last week. It’s described as a security fix with recommendations to do the upgrade. It also look as though there are quite a few bugfixes, so upgrading is a good idea.

As I was running version 2.0.1 before, the upgrade was simple and straightforward and did not require the kind of planning and preparation you’d normally do when upgrading your blog platform. Naturally you still take prudent precautions in case anything goes wrong. Back up your database, for instance – essential no matter what you’re doing with your WP installation. I also copied the whole WP installation from the server so I had a snapshot of what was there immediately prior to upgrading. That way, if any disaster did happen, I could quickly upload those files to the server via FTP.

But, all went pretty smoothly.

Now on to trying to fix the problems I had following a bit of a disaster yesterday with a rather nifty K2 theme hack

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